Project Manager | ICT Expert | Clinical Research Expert
The professional career of Toks debut when he won twice fellowship awards from European Economic Commission in 1980 for a Master’s degree program study in National Development and Project Planning, and in 1985 for another Master’s degree program study in Business System Analysis and Design, he more or less followed the steps of his father who won scholarships twice to study in UK. He was invited to IBM research triangle institute in 1981 when IBM first brought out its first PC and this inspired him further into Information Technology Communication (ITC) and project management and these experiences tremendously influenced his professional path. His experience includes many years as a director of computer services, project planning and system development. He is the founder, President and CEO of International Information and Application, IITA, Inc. here in Atlanta. Toks has managed projects in US, Europe and Africa and has organized international forums on business development, management and legislative leadership conferences. He served as a member of advisory council of Georgia Africa chamber of commerce for many years. Toks has written several position papers and articles on business system analysis and design, project planning and project management. He has the following degrees and certifications; Project Management Institute certification viz. PMP Number 135056, PhD. Business Administration, Master of Education, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Master of Business System Analysis and Design, City University, London, Master of National Development and Project Planning, University of Bradford, UK, Postgraduate Diploma Computer Science,University of Lagos, Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Economics, University of Ibadan.